Experience Something Different

Summer Scavenger Hunt Ideas


A scavenger hunt is a perfect activity to boost employee relationships and morale. This game challenges employees to find listed items or complete creative, team-building activities. Here are some scavenger hunt ideas for the summer!

Escape Room

Escape rooms are convenient if you’re looking for an already-planned hunt. Escape room facilitators will lock employees into a themed room and leave them to find their way out using a key or passcode. The rooms contain hidden clues that employees must find by working together. Often, puzzles or riddles are involved that utilize the efforts of all team members. This game can boost employee communication and collaboration while encouraging thinking creatively and paying attention to details ifvod.

Office Hunt

Keeping the scavenger hunt within your office offers a cheaper venue than rental spaces, and puts a fun spin on a familiar workspace! There’s no shortage of ideas when it comes to office hunts. 

Use these as an opportunity to introduce new hires, by dividing employees into groups and implementing getting-to-know-you games or questions as part of the “hunt”. Have the teams take photos with employees born in different decades or states. Create relay-race-type games out of common office tasks or supplies. Involve the building layout as part of the games, such as requiring groups to take pictures of different parts of the building or little details of the space Yt5s.

Nature Hunt

Boost physical activity by taking your scavenger hunt outdoors! Divide the employees into teams and go for a hike or nature walk. Some nature hunt ideas include:

  • Finding the strongest smelling flower
  • Taking a video of a specific bird
  • Finding an animal’s habitat
  • Identifying an item in nature that’s smaller than the human thumb
  • Taking pictures of different trees or leaves and identifying them by their names

If you use all of these ideas on your hunt, assign someone in leadership to identify the best submission for each point on the list!

Nature hunts are perfect because they allow employees to interact with the environment. They may be the push employees need to take part in conservation endeavors. And, best of all, they’re fun and involve using different senses.

Office Quiz

This can be great if you want employees to know more about each other. Start by asking them to submit unknown facts about themselves. Then give employees clues to help them identify who the facts describe.

This can be fun and allows employees to know each other beyond the office. It’s a great way to build trust and identify ways coworkers can relate to each other, especially among employees who’re not used to working together.

Photo Hunt

This is an easy-to-implement idea since all you need are smartphones. It requires participants to find listed items and take their photos to get other clues. If you’re in the office, you can ask them to take pictures of the break room, storage room, or coffee maker.

For an outdoor adventure, ask them to take photos of landmarks or restaurants. If you choose an outdoor game, ensure the employees can easily move around. You can provide company vehicles or choose items they can find on foot.

Murder Mystery

Murder mystery parties are always a hit. You can buy pre-organized, pre-written scripts for the “murder mystery” online, or create your own based on a book, story or your own imagination! 

Each employee should be assigned a character to play (with a description of the character given), or a role to fulfill. The best way to assign roles is to write them on paper, put them in a basket and ask employees to pick. Give all suspects a motive for murder to make the game more interesting.

The participant who solves the mystery first wins. This can be a great way to encourage out-of-the-box thinking and boost employee communication.

Boost Teamwork by Creating a Scavenger Hunt

Planning a scavenger hunt for your office is a great way to boost teamwork, motivation, and energy. You can plan indoor hunts or take advantage of the summer and take a breather from the office. Whatever you choose to do, you’ll find summer scavenger hunt ideas that are a hit with your employees that will benefit them and your work!

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