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Why Your Digital Video Strategy Benefits from Adding Subtitles


Adding subtitles to your digital videos is an easy yet often overlooked way to enhance their appeal. It improves accessibility, increases share worthiness soap2day and increases virality. It also increases view time. If you still need to add subtitles to your videos, read on to discover more about the benefits.

Increases View Time

Adding subtitles to your videos has many benefits, including boosting your brand’s reach and customer engagement. Studies show that the time consumers spend viewing videos increases by 12% when subtitles are added. Subtitles reproduce visual and audio stimuli, making them more effective at capturing attention.

The most obvious benefit when you translate audio to text is that they reach a larger audience. An estimated 15% of Americans are deaf. Subtitles also help your videos be more inclusive. This is especially important, considering many social media users prefer silently scrolling through their feeds. Without subtitles, videos can be confusing or even intrusive to a viewer. Furthermore, most social media platforms automatically mute videos unless you enable them.

Another benefit of adding subtitles to your videos is increasing your search engine optimization. In addition to making it more straightforward for users to find your content, it also boosts your website’s ranking in Google’s search results. Subtitles are indexed by search engines because they contain transcripts that allow the machines to index video content. This, in turn, increases website traffic and conversion rates.

Improves Accessibility

Adding subtitles to digital videos is an easy way to provide content that is accessible to people with disabilities. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that more than 5 percent of the world’s population suffers from hearing or vision impairment. This means that over 460 million people cannot access content that is not captioned or described. Subtitles and audio descriptions are two ways to make content more accessible to people with different learning preferences.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has developed guidelines to ensure that the information on a web page is accessible to people with disabilities. These guidelines are intended to provide a more inclusive environment for web developers. These guidelines apply to information on web pages and the structure of that information. In addition, subtitles help provide meaningful descriptions to people with visual impairments who use screen-reading software.

Adding subtitles to digital video is an easy way to improve accessibility and reach a broader audience. Even though subtitles are not as effective as closed captions, they can be cheaper and more convenient. Additionally, they can increase viewership because they provide additional context for the video content.

Boosts Share-Worthiness

Adding subtitles to your videos is an easy way to make them more accessible and share-worthy. It not only increases user engagement, but it also improves your search engine optimization. It’s also a good idea to include subtitles for videos that are meant for foreign audiences.

Adding subtitles will make your videos more share-worthy, even if you’re not a professional video creator. Adding subtitles can increase video views by as much as 16%. Facebook tests show that captioned videos get 15% more reach, 15% more reactions, and 26% more call-to-action clickthroughs than videos without captions.

Increases Virality

If you’re wondering how to increase the virality of your digital video, the best strategy is to evoke an emotional reaction in the audience. People who share videos do so because of the emotions they evoke. To make your video popular online, you need to evoke positive emotions.

It’s also important to remember that the average internet user has a short attention span. A 15-minute video will only go viral if it’s entertaining or engaging. Today’s users want to have fun immediately, not sift through hours of content. Shorter videos have more chances of going viral.

Adding subtitles to your digital video strategy will help you attract multi-tasking users. Studies show that about 80% of people prefer videos with captions. In fact, top-tier online publishers saw a 40 percent increase in video viewership when they implemented captions. The right subtitle solution depends on your business objectives and purpose. You can choose from various subtitle options, each with different benefits.

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